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Have You Ever Changed Your Mind About a Hot-Button Issue?

1. What is one debatable topic that you feel strongly about? What has influenced your opinion on it?

2. What factors influence you when choosing a position on a debatable subject? Facts and statistics? Logic? Expert opinions? Personal experience? Empathy or other emotions? A sense of justice? Religious or moral beliefs? Politics? Your parents or family members’ views? Peer influence? Why do you think these things tend to sway you one way or another?

3. Have you ever changed your mind about a controversial issue? If so, what was the topic and what caused you to rethink your opinion? If not, why not?

4. Rev. Richard Cizik said, “If you’ve never changed your mind about something, pinch yourself, you may be dead.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? In general, do you think it is more important to hold steadfastly to a position or to be flexible in your beliefs? Why?

The original article is How Six Americans Changed Their Minds About Global Warming.